If you have an event to be held in the Lismore, Nimbin or villages area we'd love to promote it on our what's on calendar on this website.
To add an event to the 'what's on' event calendar on this website you must meet the event criteria, adhere to our terms and conditions and register as a member to use this free service.
terms + conditions
Lismore Tourism + Events will endeavour to provide you with an appropriate credit when using Your Content on our platforms, though you understand and agree this may not always be possible.
use of images
Lismore Tourism & Events will endeavour to provide you with an appropriate credit when using Your Content on our platforms, though you understand and agree this may not always be possible.
If your event meets the event criteria above, and you've not previously registered, simply sign up by selecting the 'register here' option below. All you need is an email address and create a username and password.
Once registered you can 'add' or 'edit' your events by using the login below or if your event appears on the website you can also login by using the 'event login' on the page it appears on the website.
The event login is secure and can only be accessed using the event coordinators email address and password.
If you're registered login below to 'add' or 'edit' your events. Just remember that you can also edit your events by selecting the event login at the bottom of your event on the public website.
If you have a business member profile on this website you can use the login below: