football (soccer)

football details

Venue: Goonellabah Football Club and Hepburn Park
Convenor: Peter Gallagher 0418 737 401 /
Sport Organiser: Goonellabah Football Club
Age group: Women 30+, Men 35+

Sport Fee: $55

Games Fees: 

Early bird (closes 30 June): $60 inc GST

Late bird (closes 18 August): $70 inc GST

Total Fees: 

Early bird (closes 30 June): $115 inc GST

Late bird (closes 18 August): $125 inc GST



Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm

Saturday 8:30am - 6:00pm

Sunday 8:30am - 3:00pm

Sports Notes:

Goonellabah Football Club (GFC) will be hosting the football competition this year. It is anticipated that games will commence on Friday 22 September in the morning and conclude mid-afternoon on Sunday 24 September. 

Games will be 25/30 minute halves with a minimum of four (4) games per team depending on nominations received. Rules are the same as eleven (11) a side senior soccer. 

GFC will supply an official referee and teams will be rostered onto the game prior to their game for side line duties. Each team must supply a competent linesperson who knows football rules effectively.

Teams may register a maximum of 20 players but only 16 can participate in any one particular game. Any special requests for Game times would be appreciated with nomination. Please nominate if your team prefers to be in a “fun” or “competitive” grade if numbers allow separate competition via email to Convenor. 

Match balls will be provided.

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